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Online course - SceneWork

Join Patti Stiles for an online course developing your understanding of Scenework. 

Pattis' aim is to fine tune your understanding of storytelling so when you are back in the room playing, your intellectual side is comfortable and you can release yourself more freely into the experience of playing  the moment while having a stronger awareness of what the scene/show needs.

"When learning scene work there are many processes working at the same time and sometimes the student feels in conflict. The improvisors being present and embracing offers and their intellectual mind is trying to understand the terminology and application of techniques. As the improvisor is thinking ‘was that a wimp’ the teacher will be saying ‘don’t think, leap, try something be present’! ARG! As a result people try to oversimplify the work with rules such as who, what where or scenes always need conflict. These rules are not true, there are no rules. However there are some truths and these truths live in the obvious. Your story is as powerful as the audience's understanding and engagement of what you are creating. If we learn how they perceive our stories, which is what Keith’s work does, we learn a toolbox of technique to create a variety of stories and styles.

At this time we have the opportunity now to nurture the intellectual understanding. To take some time to look at examples and understand the principles. To witness the skills in action and how it serves the narrative. To be the audience and discuss from an audience's perspective. To understand the truths as we observe the truths and how we relate to them, like our audience does." - Patti Stiles

The online Scene work technique course uses the tools of observation, evaluation and discussion. Using key examples in a variety of styles for example plays, sitcoms, movies and online impro.  This course does not involve actual improvising scenes or games.  Instead, think of this class as being a narrative archeologist uncovering examples and revealing hidden treasures of narrative technique. 

Only 10 spots available in each course.