Virtual hugs!

Take a breath.
I know this wasn't the plan.  Things are changing rapidly. Maybe you are at home in quarantine or are facing this real situation soon.
Take a breath.
Perhaps you are facing loss of work as festivals, workshops and gigs are being cancelled. It is frightening. You rely on that income. This change brings fear and uncertainty. So much worry.
Take a breath.
Emotion is a powerful driving force. It can motivate you, it can also exhaust you. You have friends and family who are there to listen, help and support. Reach out to them. Call them, text, email,  – you are not alone in this.
Take a breath.
We have an illusion of control over our lives. Events like this remind us of how vulnerable we are to change. How scary change can be. 

Take a breath.

The reality of the situation calls for flexibility, thinking differently, openness, community and support. 

Change our mindset change our perception. 
Look at the ‘block’ (quarantine and changes) as an ‘offer’ (time).

What if someone said I give you a month free of all appointments?
What could you do? Want to do?
How can you spend your time to nourish, grow, achieve, ground, enhance, help, create, be?
We can be creative for example…

  • We can improvise! There are many online impro classes, groups and gatherings popping up. So keep watching social media for announcements. I will be hosting one for a group in China on April 21 and will be doing more in the weeks that follow. Dates and times will be announced on social media and at Patti's online schedule.

  • Explore photography in your home. Play with lighting and objects. Maybe make a little movie? Here are a few interesting ideas

5 Funny and Creative Photo Ideas
Photography Effects
10 creative photography hacks

  • Or an online art class like

On line art
Drawing class
Colouring Books from museums

  • Pick up some new podcasts to listen to or create your own? Who would you like to interview? What would you ask?

Clear and Vivid
Guilty Feminist
How did this get made

We can be social for example…

  • Identify people who are isolated and reach out. Call your elderly neighbour and have a chat.

  • Set up an online dinner party. Invite friends and set a cuisine and everyone make their own dinner in that style. You come together on line, eat together and share recipes.

  • Start a book club, which meets on line in a week. You can all read different books, using what you have at home.

We can be productive for example…

  • Try an online site like Dulingo and start learning a language.

  • Sort old photos

  • Learn chess

  • De-clutter and reorganize

20 ways to organise
Organize life tips

We can stay healthy
Yoga at home
Qigong at home
Walk at home
Dance at home
We can be supportive for example…

  • Send fun text messages

  • Have fun creating silly videos for friends

  • Check in with each other and create space for people to talk openly about their situation, feelings and fears.

We can be helpful

  • If you are able to get out, offer to pick up items for those unable to do so.

  • If you can make a donate to a impro company, they could use the financial support.

  • If you believe in the power of chanting, here is a chant you can play or share as a gift to the world.

Find and create opportunities to keep yourself mentally and physically active and try to stay in a positive state of mind. I know it can be hard. I also know you can do it. 

Hope there was something above that helps in this crazy time.
Please share ideas below.
Big virtual hugs!

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